[Rule-list] Fw: I have started to rebuild the RULE website!

Richard Kweskin rkwesk at hellug.gr
Thu Nov 3 11:24:56 EET 2005

Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2005 12:13:40 +0200
From: Richard Kweskin <rkwesk at hellug.gr>
To: Rule-list at rule-project.org
Subject: Fw: I have started to rebuild the RULE website!
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Hello All

As you all know we have begun the process of transferring the RULE server to Athens. Things are going well but slowly as we all are learning from this process.  :))

I am forwarding this from Marco:

Subject: I have started to rebuild the RULE website!
From: "M. Fioretti" <mfioretti at mclink.it>
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 20:06:17 +0100
To: Rule-list at rule-project.org
Reply-To: "M. Fioretti" <mfioretti at mclink.it>


I have finally managed to install the latest version of SPIP on the
new server kindly provided by the Athens LUG. This is how things stand

1) so far, so good. I have gone through the spip/mysql installation
   procedure without an hitch, and now I see as home page the default
   spip home page, waiting to be filled. I have also recreated the old

2) Since the domain name has not been transferred to the new server,
   to see the new website when pointing your browser at
   www.rule-project.org, you have to implement this trick suggested by
   the Athens sysadmin (it works, that's the way I'm working now):

> In order to simulate the environment better i do this little trick:
> I add to my /etc/hosts the line:
>           www.rule-project.org rule
> and make sure there is the file /etc/host.conf that has the following 
> lines:
> order hosts, bind
> multi on
> (so that dns questions first the /etc/hosts file and then the dns server).
> so i just go to my browser and i type in : www.rule-project.org and it 
> redirects me to the webserver.

3) After doing this, I started to process with some perl scripts the
   MySQL dump of the old database, since it cannot be directly imported
   into SPIP. After an afternoon of hacks, I have managed to get, for
   each page of the old website, one ASCII file with this format:

	TITLE: The title
	DATE:  the YYYY-MM-DD date when the article or news was first
	       inserted, so chronological order can be preserved where
	       it matters.

        The whole source text (marked up simply, per SPIP rules) of
	the original article

4) This left me with a total of 105 web pages to restore (plus the
   start pages of each section)

5) A quick scan of those 105 pages reveals that:

     we can safely let go, or dump into some "Obsolete/RULE history"
     section, a few pages which are not really needed any more, like
     the first version of the install guide (2002) which was based on
     miniconda which is not maintained anymore.

     several pages should be reorganized differently, and will. This
     is one more reason why restoring the content must happen

     I suspect that there are, especially in the "test database"
     section, several duplicated entries. I will send to the authors
     of those pages (those who tested RULE on those computers) a copy
     of the pages, asking them to remove any duplicated material

With any luck, this could be the right month to restore everything for
good. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks again to Richard and all the guys in Athens.


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