Installation attempt, slinky-0.5.02 [Was Re: [RULE] slinky-0.5.02 for Fedora Core 4 FC4]

C David Rigby cdrigby at
Thu Aug 4 16:58:36 EEST 2005

Results of my installtion attempt are shown below. Any help 
appreciated.  CDR

Franz Zahaurek wrote:

>Hi all,
> holds the new version 0.5.02 of the
>SLINKY installer for Fedora Core 4  FC4.
>The only news are, that FC4 can be installed now (I only tested cdrom).
>My next-todo list for slinky:
>*) cleanup errors
>*) add dialog-menu-point for using module-discs
>*) add documentation
>- Franz
_Installing FC4 on numberfive using slinky-0.5.02_

Numberfive is a Compaq Presario 1625 portable (AMD K6-233, 64MB RAM) 
which lacks such things as a working CD-ROM drive and battery. This 
makes it a good candidate for a RULE rescue. Possibly it is usable as a 
light-duty server.

1. I created the slinky-0.5.02-disk1.img and created another diskette 
with an ext2 filesystem to hold selected modules from 
slinky-0.5.02-modules.img.bz2. Specifically, I need the yenta socket 
driver for the cardbus slots, the aha152x driver for my Adaptec PCMCIA 
SCSI card, and SCSI disk and SCSI CD-ROM drivers. Also, I downloaded and 
burned onto CD-R a copy of FC4-i386-disk1.iso.

2. I booted from the slinky-0.5.02-disk1 disk.

3. Once I got the "Welcome to 'Slinky' the RULE low memory installer" 
splash screen, I switched to the second console (CTL-ALT-F2) and issued 
the following commands to access the external SCSI CD-ROM drive:

A. After placing my second floppy in the drive, I issued the command 
"mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy"

B. I changed to the directory where the pcmcia drivers are stored and 
issued "insmod rsrc_nonstatic.ko"

C. Then I issued "insmod yenta_socket.ko." I got messages indicating 
that the card socket was detected by the driver.

D. Then I changed to the directory where the pcmcia scsi drivers are 
located and entered "insmod aha152x_cs.ko"

E. This was followed by "insmod sd_mod.ko," "insmod sr_mod.ko" and for 
good measure "insmod sg.ko" (I really doubt I need that last one).

F. I then changed directory to /sbin and ran "cardmgr." I received 
messages indicating that the CD-ROM drive was found and correctly 

G. To test, I issued the command "mount /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom" which 
appraently tried all possible file system types (since I didn't specify 
one) until it hit on iso and mounted the CD. I confirmed this by issuing 
"ls /mnt/cdrom" and I could see the top level directory of the CD.

H. I issued the command "umount /mnt/cdrom" to free the mount point.

I. I created a symlink between /dev/scd0 and /dev/cdrom by issuing the 
command "ln -s /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom."

J. I returned to the slinky session on the first console.

4. I worked through the messages, and I went back to the second console 
to umount my modules floppy when I saw the "you can remove your boot 
floppy..." message.

5. I skipped the keyboard configuration on the next screen, then tabbed 
down to item #2: Select_the_distribution_to_install and pressed ENTER.

6. On the next screen I chose Item #1: FC4.

7. I got the message confirming the selection and advising that the 
first FC4 CD would be necessary.

8. Returned to the selection screen and Item #3: 
Select_your_installation_method was the default, so I pressed ENTER.

9. On the Choose Installation method screen, Item #1: cdrom was 
highlighted, so I just pressed ENTER.

10. I got the message "I wasn't able to locate your cdrom drive..." Per 
that message, which indicates that I should only use the "cdrom" entry 
if I have a link that points from /dev/cdrom to my CD-drive's actual 
device, I typed in "cdrom" and pressed ENTER.

11. I got a message that said, in full, "I will try to use <cdrom> as 
your cd drive. You will have the opportunity to change this later in the 
install, if need be. "OK" is highlighted at the bottom of the message 

12. I pressed ENTER (repeatedly) but the installer never left that window.

Any suggestions?


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