[RULE] website restoration started

M. Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Mon Jun 13 21:52:50 EEST 2005

On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 06:12:46 AM +0200, io (mfioretti at mclink.it)
> Greetings,
> as you all know by know, the RULE website returns only empty pages
> these days.

After much thinking, I just did it: I backed up all files, all the old
content database, then erased everything and reinstalled from scratch
the latest version of SPIP.
The install seems to have gone OK: now when I go to


I see a message saying (in Italian) "Work in progress. This site
hasn't been configured yet. Please come back later". Which is exactly
what I should be see now, as I haven't set up the new database. Do you
see the same or similar thing? Please report.

Now I'm going to restore at least part of the old site
structure. Right after that, those who volunteered to restore the old
content will receive instructions. You are still in time to volunteer.

After that, I *will* set up some server script that backs up
everything and its cousin every 15 minutes, I promise!

Thanks again to you all for your patience,


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
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