[RULE] kdrive packages?

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Wed Jan 12 06:13:17 EET 2005

On Saturday 08 January 2005 22:45, Richard Kweskin wrote:
> Hooray, bravo Michael, thank you!

You are quite welcome.

> What would be great to have on the RULE documentation is the url of
> the source, what versions of various bits make the appropriate mix
> for fc3 and what options were put in the config process. I mention
> this because I have been trying to convince a bunch of Debian users
> here in Greece to compile kdrive for their unstable and perhaps
> others would follow suit with other distros!

I'll do you one better and provide a script that downloads, builds and 
installs the TinyX package. It's a modified version of the instructions 
available here:

I had to make modifications to make some parts build, others to strip 
the binaries, install the servers SUID as required.....

The script is here:

I used the script to rebuild the package, and just uploaded that new 
version of the tarball along with the script. (it shouldn't be any 
different than the previous tarball, but will obviously have a 
different md5sum) Actually, there is one change, the kdrive servers are 
now installed SUID.

It's simple enough to use, create a build directory and put the script 
in that directory, cd to the build directory, and say "./build.sh". It 
will take an hour or two to build on a reasonably fast machine....

I'll be putting this into an rpm package as soon as I possibly can.

> It is great to see you back!

I never went anywhere, I have been reading along as time permits, 
honest.  Call it a major case of burn out... <grin>
I'll continue to do what I can, when I can.

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