[RULE] kdrive packages?

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Mon Jan 10 14:21:28 EET 2005

On Monday 03 January 2005 03:38, Richard Kweskin wrote:
> Hello All
> Is it appropriate, given Fedora uses Xorg instead of XFree86, to try
> and create a package for kdrive?

I've built kdrive for FC3. It's a tar ball rather than an rpm package, 
but it does appear to work. kdrive has been removed from the "standard" 
Xorg tree, it is no longer possible to build it as part of the xorg rpm 
packages. To install (as root) grab the files from:

As root, copy the tarball to your / directory
tar -xvzf kdrive.tar.gz (all files will be extracted to /opt/kdrive)
chmod +s /opt/kdrive/bin/Xvesa 
(There are several chip specific servers as well)
rm -f /usr/X11R6/bin/X
ln -s /opt/kdrive/bin/Xvesa /usr/X11R6/bin/X

copy the provided startx file to /usr/X11R6/bin/
copy the provided xinitrc file to ~/.xinitrc

That's a very brief outline, but I did manage to get it up and running a 
fluxbox desktop (with antialiased fonts!) on my old laptop with 40M of 
ram and a 586 processor.
You'll still need a fair amount of the standard xorg packages installed, 
libs, fonts, xfs.....

Good luck, enjoy!

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