[RULE] RULE at Linux Day Italy/announcing slinky for FC3?

M. Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Sat Nov 27 21:20:44 EET 2004

On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 18:02:02 PM +0100, io (mfioretti at mclink.it)
wrote: > Hello, everybody.
> Next saturday will be Linux Day in Italy, with LUGs all over the
> country hosting conferences and shows to promote Gnu/Linux and FLOSS
> in general [...] I was contacted by the Rome LUG to know if I could
> give a RULE talk [...], as in "what is RULE doing that could be an
> interesting/useful project for all hackers to play with?".

Original announce and italian abstract are at
http://wiki.lugroma.org/LinuxDay2004Talk. The slideshow (English,
OpenOffice format) can be downloaded at:


You are obviously welcome to give feedback and to reuse/redistribute
the slideshow. I have put in it all (I hope) the interesting
RULE-related developments happened lately. Check them out, some things
like the Norhtec Micro Client have not even had time to be announced
here first. Please let me know if I forgot anything. 

During the talk I have announced that there is a beta version of
Slinky for Fedora Core 3. If there are no objections, I was thinking
to repeat the announce on the Fedora Core lists on sunday december
5th. This will hopefully bring to us lots of new users and testers...

Before doing that I will also:

1) upload to the server anything that needs to be there (latest slinky
images, etc...)
2) Try with your help to update the installation guide and other
   documentation. I will start copying and pasting everything that
   passed here on the list about Slinky for FC. Contributors and
   reviewers, please raise your hands.

Ciao, and thanks again for all your support!


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Red Hat & Fedora for low memory   http://www.rule-project.org/

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