[RULE] Test with Slinky 0.4.5 and fc3 t3

Richard Kweskin rkwesk at hellug.gr
Fri Nov 19 14:32:23 EET 2004

Hello All

I ran two tests, both without attempting to alter the package lists. One box had a Soyo 5va board with a classic pentium cpu @ 120 MHz and the second had a Soyo 6eas board with pentium mmx @ 166 MHz. Both boxes had their own cd drives, 16 MB ram and S3 cards with 2 MB. Snippets below come from the install log from the second box, having rebooted with the slinky disk to gain access. 

Preparing...                ##################################################
libgcc                      ##################################################
setup                       ##warning: /etc/aliases created as /etc/aliases.rpmnew
##warning: /etc/bashrc created as /etc/bashrc.rpmnew

snip (there were several such warnings)

termcap                     ##################################################
warning: /etc/termcap saved as /etc/termcap.rpmorig

snip (there were several such warnings)

SysVinit                    ##################################################
telinit: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl


Finished installing RPM's at Wed Nov 17 15:52:09 EST 2004
starting rulerc.sh
about to execute postinst.sh
/mnt/cdrom/postinst/postinst.sh not executable or not found

When the system rebooted with lilo the kernel began as normal but reached a point where it complained a lack of memory. It reported various numbers and killed several processes until these ran out. It then said again it ran out of memory and panic.

On the second box I had put a 128MB swap, in case it would help but it did not :( 

I substituted the kernel from the Slinky floppy but it couldn't load the required modules for ext3

I substituted the kernel from fc3 test3 cd1 which responded exactly as the original kernel (out of memory and panic)

The fdc3 test3 cd1 boots on this box, starts anaconda with "linux text" parameter but then reports that there is not enough memory to run the install (as expected) but there is no panic and no killing of processes.


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