[RULE] New attempt at "minimal install", now using Fedora Core 3, Release Candidate 5

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Tue Nov 2 05:28:40 EET 2004

On Sun, 2004-10-31 at 22:17 +0100, Ingo Lantschner (Lists) wrote:
> All other put there files on a floppy and bring this to the 
> "printserver" - so called "sportshoe-network" :-)

Just in case you're curious, the original joke in the USA is
"sneakernet" due to the word's phonetic similarity to Ethernet.

> Although the above sounds a bit like a joke, there is a serious kernel 
> in it: I would recomend to follow the minimal-install aproach from 
> Rodolfo

I'm really trying to beat the stuffing out of it, but RC5 has some
dependencies which are driving me crazy. New doc posted today, do check
it out and make comments. Given massive sacrifices, down to 370MB or so
again. Another 25MB of docs in the /usr/share/doc directory and perl
takes up at least another 30MB or so... so in theory one could get
pretty close to 300MB with not all that much greater effort. The problem
with deleting perl is that some of the SELinux tools seem to require it.

Seriously, go read the latest version and make comments. I want to be as
close to ready as possible before FC3 is officially released.


Rodolfo J. Paiz <rpaiz at simpaticus.com>
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