[RULE] Computing pkg deps for FC3

Marco Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Wed Oct 27 17:37:02 EEST 2004

Being the list moderator, I just received the message below for

(Loic, thanks a lot for your contribution, but please subscribe to
the list, otherwise your next messages won't go through.ate (please
also place the script somewhere online and only post the URL here))

Subject: Computing pkg deps for FC3

Hi all,

I am working a some small script helpers to compute pkg dependencies for FC3.

These script use the new primary.xml file used by latest yum versions, thus requiring a FC tree around 3T3 or newer.

Their use is currently as follows:
. update.sh fetches primary.xml and transforms it into a folder/file hierarchy
. requires.sh computes dependencies for packages arguments

# ./update.sh
# ./requires.sh grub yum
will return all the package names needed to fullfil grub and yum dependencies.

Still missing is a conversion of package names to file names for retrieving.

These scripts should be made runnable through busybox for eventual slinky integration.

On a side note, could latest slinky build include i82365 pcmcia module?

Loïc Péron

phone:(33) 683 880 177
mailto:loic.peron at bigfoot.com

Allegato "fc3pkgdep.zip" (application/zip)

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