[RULE] apt instead of rpm

David david.jamison1 at ntlworld.com
Tue Oct 26 08:15:35 EEST 2004

M. Fioretti wrote:

>On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 15:30:49 PM +0200, Ingo Lantschner
>(ingo.lists at vum.at) wrote:
>>Unfortunatly I have been stoped by a quiet simple problem: The
>>Fedora Core CDs are not apt-enabled... I wonder, if I have
>>overlooked a simple solution to this problem.
>No, as far as I know the situation is the one you described.
>>In my understanding of rpm, all the information to build a
>>dependency-tree is in the rpm-files - all you need is a scriot,
>>which walkes from rpm to rpm and writes the information regarding
>>dependencys in a database-file. I wonder, if such a script does
>>really not exist.
>It is again the concept of the Distribution Analyzer, which I started
>and never had time to finish...
>	Marco F.
This is a debate that seems to be as "religious" as is which distro to 
use!  It always seems to start a healthy flame on any Linux mailing 
list.  Although im fully aware that RULEs ambition is to be fully distro 
"agnostic"  would it not be better  to leave apt-get on the "to do"  
list  and not muddy the waters?



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