[RULE] Some experiments with Slinky 0.4.05

Ingo Lantschner ingo.lists at vum.at
Sat Oct 23 00:42:14 EEST 2004

Hi Franz and others,
I did again some research with Slinky 0.4.05 as base. After downloading  
the devel-tarball I did some small change in it.

rm .../filesystem/scripts/3/all_packages.disc?
cp .../minidist_list  .../filesystem/scripts/3/all_packages.disc1

So I replaced the rpm-list from Franz with a customized one - including  
all files from FC3-test3 minimal install. (Produced by rpm -qa on that  
Anaconda-installed system)

Finally I did ./makedisk.sh and started the nfsrpms-install.

What did surprise me: I have seen heavy networktrafic between my  
nfs-server and the slinkymachine for aprox 5 Minutes - during that time df  
showed always only 11% used. So it looked like as if I was installing into  
/dev/null. How can this be?!?

Finishing the install I got the install.log attached.
Most interesting IMHO this part:
warning: package glibc = 2.3.3-53 was already added, replacing with glibc  
<= 2.3.3-53
warning: package kernel = 2.6.8-1.541 was already added, replacing with  
kernel <= 2.6.8-1.541
warning: package openssl = 0.9.7a-39 was already added, replacing with  
openssl <= 0.9.7a-39
         package glibc-2.3.3-53 is intended for a i686 architecture
         package openssl-0.9.7a-39 is intended for a i686 architecture
         package kernel-2.6.8-1.541 is intended for a i686 architecture
rpm: no packages given for install		** this is due to missing file for  
rpm: no packages given for install		** see above
rpm: no packages given for install		** see above
Finished installing RPM's at Fri Oct 22 22:19:39 UTC 2004

I also attach the packagelist.

TIA for any hints on what's going on here - Ingo.
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