[RULE] Networking with RULE

David david.jamison1 at ntlworld.com
Tue Oct 12 22:16:12 EEST 2004

Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:

>On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 12:30 -0700, David wrote:
>>I know they are  Realtek card but I dont know which model. Is there a
>>command that I can issue to find out?
>I think "lspci" may do what you want. Also check out the contents of
>the /etc/sysconfig/hwconf file and look to see if they've been detected
Yep. lspci does just this. output is

00.0b.0 Ehternet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 
RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (Rev10)
00.0c.0 Ehternet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. 
RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (Rev10)

>>>* Which Ethernet card is internal and which is external
>>Both cards are internal
>No... I meant which one faces the internal network and which one faces
>the Internet. Does eth0 go out to the Net, or in to your network? Just
>so we know how to help you set it up.
eth0 is facing out  to the net set as DHCP eth1 faces internal network 
and is Static IP

>>>* Contents of /etc/modprobe.conf
>>There is no /etc/modprobe.conf on  the box (!)
>So make one. All you have to have is something like this:
>alias eth0 8139too
>alias eth1 8139too
>Assuming, of course, that this is the right module driver for those
>cards, which it might be (it's the newer driver for Realtek 8139 cards).
OK I have done this.

>>>* Contents of /etc/sysconfig/network
>>GATEWAY=                             <<<<<  How
>I strongly suggest setting "GATEWAY=" where appropriate in the SPECIFIC
>config file for each interface (the ifcfg-* file), and only using
>"GATEWAYDEV=" in this file. It will save you a lot of grief and keep
>your configurations simpler. So try this:
Done.  (Im wondering why this does not happen on install)

>>>* Contents of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>I'm going to assume that eth0 goes to the Internet since that's acting
>as a DHCP client. Hence the GATEWAYDEV= variable above.

>>>* Contents of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
>Add your GATEWAY= line to this file.

>A small point: while BOOTPROTO=static will work, you should know that
>the correct parameter is "none" instead of "static". It means that you
>are not using DHCP, BOOTP, PXE, or any other protocol for automatically
>getting an IP address.
Again done.  Although this is the setting given by the install

>>>* Output of "ip route show"
>>82.3.210/24 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link scr83.3.210.218
>> dev eth1 scope link
>> dev eth1 scope link
>> dev lol scope link
>>default via dev eth1    <<<<< this looks a bit odd????
>Your default route is set to the internal network, which is incorrect.
>It means that any traffic for any destination that's *not* your internal
>network or your ISP (i.e. the rest of the world) will be directed to
>your internal interface. This should be set to the external link.
>Setting the GATEWAYDEV= line above as I suggested, then restarting the
>network with the "service network restart" command, will set the default
>route correctly. Very easy and simple.
>Do let us know if you've got this working, OK?

One very small point is that I had to remove the GATEWAY= line from 

Thanks a lot for your help


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