[RULE] Updating RULE material for Slinky 0.4/FC2

M. Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Tue Oct 5 20:06:58 EEST 2004

On Sun, Oct 03, 2004 00:43:19 AM +0200, Franz Zahaurek (fzk at fzk.at)

> I am still waiting for Marco to add the docs he requested from me
> and disks I provided to the rule-project site.

Gulp. After partially recovering from a huge shame attack, Marco
pleads 100% guilty of this charge. I must confess that I don't know
right now in which mail folder of mine that stuff is. Please accept my
apologies. See below, however.

> In parallel I try to get more web-space so I can provide the whole
> devel-tarball to create a bootable slinky-CD for FC2. I would like
> better if this could take place on the rule-project site.
Absolutely right. Now:

1) whatever you sent me some weeks ago, is probably superseded by the
   recent development
2) The slinky customization guide (A) and the RULE install guide (B)
   need updating anyway.
3) Ingo has the password to add content to the website (not files to
   the download area though)

So, when it comes to image files, ISO images, big tarballs and such,
if Franz can put them somewhere online, and post the checksums on
list, I will ssh to the server and copy everything to the download
area from there. After that the temporary copies can be deleted.

Now, about documentation. As I see it, the two documents above need
updating so that:

a) if anybody wants to rebuild slinky from scratch (ie using just (A)
   and source code of busybox, rpm and what not), he or she can, using
   only that document. And that any 3rd party developer of vum:BOX and
   similar knows where to hack what.

b) The install guide is updated for FC2, so a complete RULE newcomer
   can install FC2 with it

Practically speaking, this means to get the source text version of
those two pages, add to them whatever needs adding, and formatting
the result according to SPIP guidelines. Ingo can get the source text,
having the password. If you need it directly, just ask it to me off
list. I can do the final editing and formatting without problems once
it is in the system.

Thanks again for your help,


-- Marco Fioretti mfioretti, at the server mclink.it Red Hat & Fedora
for low memory http://www.rule-project.org/

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