[RULE] Slinky 0.4 - the work has started

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Tue Oct 5 07:52:00 EEST 2004

On Sun, 2004-10-03 at 00:43 +0200, Franz Zahaurek wrote:
> In parallel I try to get more web-space so I can provide the
> whole devel-tarball to create a bootable slinky-CD for FC2.  I would
> like better if this could take place on the rule-project site.

Hi, Franz!

We haven't met before, so I'll just comment that I own and admin the
server on which RULE resides. Storage space and bandwidth on the RULE
project server are *not* scarce commodities, and I have set limits for
the site that I believe far outstrip its needs. I can expand those
limits far beyond what they currently are if necessary.

Please coordinate with Marco (who actually runs the site, whereas I just
run the server) if you need hosting for RULE content on the RULE server.
I've given Marco some pretty strict guidelines for security, since at
this point in time he's one of only four people with shell access to my
server, but I'd bet good odds that you can find a way to get access to
enough space.

If you and Marco can't figure out a good way then by all means involve
me in the loop and we'll figure it out together. I can think of several
ways in which to provide the space you need, but of course the
*preferred* method would be inside the RULE infrastructure.


Rodolfo J. Paiz <rpaiz at simpaticus.com>
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