[RULE] Slinky 0.4.01: cannot create /dev/null

Franz Zahaurek fzk at fzk.at
Tue Sep 21 03:17:24 EEST 2004

Hi Marco,

"M. Fioretti" <mfioretti at mclink.it> writes:

> On Mon, Sep 20, 2004 08:01:57 AM +0200, Franz Zahaurek (fzk at fzk.at) wrote:
>> This happens if setup.sh cannot find any harddisk. This is the code:
>> avail_devices=`/sbin/fdisk -l | grep Disk | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d "/" -f 3 | cut -d : -f 1`
>> Change to the second virtual terminal and try: fdisk -l
> For the record, if I boot with tomsbrt and run *its* fdisk -l, it
> returns the correct partition table on
> Disk /dev/hda

I have no explanation for this.  Could you please try booting
with the two floppies.  May be the cdrom as hda is disturbing.

To your information, these are my actual tests:

I have now a LAN for testing at home and did the following
installation methods with success (= the installed FC2 can boot):


In the first three cases FC2-rpm ist loaded with the simple
busybox-rpm.  With the inst-method ftp this is not possible.  But
busybox has another applet: ftpget.  I used it to get the rpms that
are nessecary to bootstrap FC2-rpm.  Will try to put this new version
on the net tomorrow (21.09.2004) evening.

Please tell me, which network-card is in your notebook, because this
must be configured in the booting kernel or as module.

About booting with slinky-cdrom:

Booting from cdrom as you tested it after makeiso.sh cannot work at
all now.  The contents of rule_iso is based on kernel 2.4 and these
modules don't work with the booting kernel

Thank you for testing.

- Franz
Franz Zahaurek                        fzk at fzk.at
Gymnasiumstr. 26/7                    http://www.fzk.at
1180 Wien

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