[RULE] Installing Fedora FC2 with Slinky

Ingo Lantschner ingo.lists at vum.at
Wed Sep 15 12:24:41 EEST 2004

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 20:53:55 +0200, Franz Zahaurek <fzk at fzk.at> wrote:

>> May be the version should change?! If it installs FC2 now, even to
>> lets  say 1.0 Beta?!?
> Isn't this too optimistic?  0.4.01 would do.
yes, you are right

> I would suggest the following priorities to solve these and make the
> RULE-installation really usefull:
> 1) cleanup the errors
honestly I did not understand very much about the errors you listed - if  
you think that I can help in some area, pls. let me know.

> 2) ashure, that the different installation methods realy work
 From our practical needs and experience: its ok to have the CD-ROM-method  
available - we never used something else yet. For the future, I expect to  
have more networked classrooms, where we *may* use NFS or ftp/http. But  
more likely is, that we slinkyinstall one "strong" server (PII or III),  
add LTSP and run the rest of the clients diskless from the server. This  
already worked fine ... (Once Slinky is working, I can add support for  
LTSP into the script, this is something I can contribute)
What would be usefull: To have support for SCSI-Disks - I mean, installing  
Slinky on SCSI-Systems is complicated - the many steps necesary are well  
documented in the vumBOX-Handbook - I can repost them here, if you like.  
If this could be achived, it would be really nice.

Bye, Ingo.

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