[RULE] Attempt 3: Toshiba Satellite 115CS

Da Worm daworm at comcast.net
Sat Aug 7 02:20:28 EEST 2004

On 8/6/2004 at 2:44 PM Martin Stricker wrote:

>This is a very interesting idea! Using the slinky-detect boot floppy,
>even someone who doesn't know what NIC he has might be able to determine
>the chip.

I haven't had a chance to look into this.  I've been distracted by
other projects, including seeing what it would take to make a RULE
based on Gentoo instead of RedHat.  I've just about given up on the 
Toshiba.  I can get it on the net with the boot disk, and get the basic
packages on, but that's about it.  I may come back to it later, though.

>By the way, it would be nice if you could tell your e-mail software to
>break lines so the lines are less than 80 characters long (I'm sometimes
>read my mail on a Linux console which has 80 characters). 72 is a
>commonly used line length. Thank you!

Yes, I know.  :(  I too often forget, as this mail client makes me do it


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