[RULE] APT, YUM or URPMI on RULE, was: Mini-KDE

James Miller jamtat at mailsnare.net
Thu Jul 29 08:40:44 EEST 2004

On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, M. Fioretti wrote:

> and use several distro at the same time. About DSL, however, I seem to
> have read somewhere that it is not completely compatible with the
> standard Debian upgrading procedures. *IF* this is true, is an issue
> for us, since it'd put users in some kind of a corner, not in the
> general and large Debian community.

DSL as it runs from CD does not have apt working.  However every version
I've used has had a script the user can run after a HD install to restore
apt.  I see in the latest versions (0.7.2) that one can now "fix" apt so
that it will run even from the CD version.  But it is somewhat broken.
For starters, even the restored apt is not aware of what's already
installed, what comes as part of the DSL CD.  You can't apt-get remove mc,
for example: it will tell you it's not installed - even though it is (it's
among the progs that run from the DSL CD).  And you must be very, very
careful about what X stuff you try to apt-get, or you'll wipe out Xvesa -
which isn't even in the Debian repository of packages.  Other than this,
apt-get really does work pretty much like it does on a regular Debian
install, though.  I have run into one dependency hang up that apt-get -f
install couldn't fix however, and I think it's because of the peculair way
apt has been tweaked for DSL.


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