david jamison david.jamison1 at ntlworld.com
Thu Jul 15 00:15:18 EEST 2004

Ive been looking at this topic over the past couple of days and it looks 
fiendishly complicated :(

http://danb.homelinux.org:81/read/blfs/book/kde/core.html  looks as if 
it might take us someway to achieving our goal
Unfortunately it doesnt give a great description of what kdelibs is all 
about but does rather better with kde-base.
http://developer.kde.org/documentation/other/kfmclient.html also looks 

Would it be sensible to go with the enitre kdelibs for which there is an 
rpm with an installed size of  41Mb  (maybe leaving out the debugging 
code and Alsa) and just use the bits from kde-base as described in 
Marco's page on the Rule website.

Qt is also pretty hefty even in "stripped down" form and im not exactly 
sure what its function is. ? Some compiler or translation functions ? 

Is there any other websites anyone knows of that might help?

Im sorry this is so feeble but it might start off a debate!



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