[RULE] Install guide rearranged

Gabriel M. Beddingfield gabriel at teuton.org
Fri Jul 2 16:47:34 EEST 2004

Marco,  The new install guide is nicer!  When I was installing, I noticed it 
needed reformatting -- but I held my tongue because I was new to the list.

Suggestion:  In "prerequisites" (or in a "system requirements" section), there 
should probably be some general system requirement information.  IIRC, it will 
look something like this:

Processor:  Intel 386 compatible, or newer
Memory:  12MB RAM to install
        ???MB RAM to run TinyX
        ???MB RAM to run XFree86
Hard Drive:  250MB for minimal install
             500MB for graphical install (TinyX or XFree86)
             (Plus extra space for user data)
Install Media:
    You must have ONE of the following configurations.
    (1) Bootable CD-ROM drive.
    (2) Bootable floppy drive with a CD-ROM drive that is either always 
installed or hot swappable.
    (3) Bootable floppy drive and network card with network access to the 
contents of the CD-ROMs (NFS, FTP, or HTTP).
    (4) Bootable floppy with the CD-ROM ISO images somewhere on the hard drive.
    (5) Bootable floppy with the contents of the CD-ROMs somewhere on the hard 
    (6) [did I miss one?]

(Note: If you put the contents of the CD-ROM on the hard drive, you will still 
need 250/500MB above that to install.)

In general, Linux is lacking in this sort of up-front "is it even worth my 
time" information.  :-)

QUESTION:  Someone once asked me to edit the install guide with my experiences 
from installing on my computer.  At the time they asked that I do it in the 
text version.  I am still committed to doing this, I just haven't taken the 

Related:  does anyone know of an RPM command that lets you know what the size 
of the package (on the disk) will be once it is installed?

Kind regards,

Gabriel M. Beddingfield
gabriel at teuton.org

Quoting "M. Fioretti" <mfioretti at mclink.it>:

> Hello,
> I have reformatted the Install Guide at:
> http://www.rule-project.org/article.php3?id_article=54
> Hopefully now the content is arranged in a much clearer way (please
> confirm...), and it will be easier to add the sections for network and
> hard disk install C.D. Rigby is working on
> Enjoy,
> 	Marco F.
> -- 
> Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
> Red Hat & Fedora for low memory   http://www.rule-project.org/
> Live simply so others may simply live.       Ghandi
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