[RULE] Installation Report

david jamison david.jamison1 at ntlworld.com
Wed Jun 30 18:36:47 EEST 2004

>thanks for your submission. This is a machine never reported before,
>is it? (just to know if I have to add the data below to an existing
>report or create a new one).
Well its certainly a new report from me!  Maybe it might be an idea to 
create a proforma for installers to fill in rather than you having to do 
a retype?
{I know im creating work here and will help if I can!}

>>It would maybe be nice to have a module to set the monitor up as
>>this can be tricky if not downright dangerous if you get it wrong.
>? Kudzu is installed, isn't it? It should take care of video cards and
>monitors too, right? If not, there is redhat-config-xfree86. Maybe you
>just need to add the corresponding rpm?

Im not sure that Kudzu helps with monitor setup.  Ill look into the 

>The beauty of not being a new distribution is to have all this kind of
>stuff already done and tested by many more (other!) guys.
Yes agreed!  My problem is that Ive basically done the grapical "no 
thinking required" installs where all the routines are "hidden" behine a 
nice interface so going down the RULE route is pretty new to me. Its not 
a problem as its a great learning exercise.  I totally agree it is 
unnecessary to reinvent wheels all it takes is for me to kind of know 
the individual tools I need and I reckon ill find these out as I go along!

>>... maybe the install guide could be reworked with the bits about
>>dual booting etc hyperlinked out of the way as the guide may be a
>>bit daunting to first time installers.
>I agree on this.
This should be no more than a reformatting exercise than new work. 
Again I could help with this if that would be of any use.

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