[RULE] All these latest installs

Richard Kweskin rkwesk at hellug.gr
Fri Jun 25 15:26:37 EEST 2004

Hello All

Perhaps each of you who has completed an install in this last month has already started on this, so please excuse this appeal. It is very useful to have a full report online: hardware listed, install log, dmesg, free, df -h readouts and generally all the interesting bits in a paragraph or two.

As Marco, David, Martin and Rodolfo have all said at one time or another, there is a lot to do to simplifying and making more detailed and accurate the install scenarios. What is online at the moment is a work in progress and all your comments and questions are very helpful in improving this work. We all are very pleased at the interest this project keeps generating and hopefully, soon, Fedora's latest will be added to the possible distro versions.

Once the process is spelled out more clearly it will also encourage some who could extend it to other distros and versions. From where I sit the building of floppy images is the lesser problem, given Michael's input, but generating appropriate package lists of any one different distro version is the harder obstacle.

I have volunteered to help Marco with the site and will try to speed up this promised improvement.


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