[RULE] xterm

M. Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Thu Jun 24 21:58:52 EEST 2004

On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 19:40:04 PM +0100, David Jamison
(david.jamison1 at ntlworld.com) wrote:

> Ive sucessfully loaded v9 using slinky!!!!!
> A problem at the minute is that I dont seem to be able to get X
> Windows running correctly.  When I issue xterm I get "xterm Xt
> error: Can't open display"
> The runlevel in /etc/inittab is set at 3 should this be 5?  Is there
> anything else im missing?

How do you start xterm? from the command prompt at the console text
window? If so, yes, you must first start X. xterm and similar need a
running X server which gives them a window (so to speak...).

To start X Windows, you can either put runlevel 5 in /etc/inittab
(X started automatically at every boot), or manually, ie issuing the
"startx" command at the prompt. I'd suggest the second way, at least
at the beginning. Even because I am not sure that the RULE package
selection includes the tools needed to login graphically when inittab
runlevel is 5.

If you have problems doing the above (startx) post the complete error
message you get: try "startx >& startx.log to have all messages saved
in that file, if needed.


Marco Fioretti                 mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Red Hat for low memory         http://www.rule-project.org/

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