[RULE] Reducing disk usage

Ingraham, Ed edward.ingraham at siemens.com
Mon Jun 14 16:00:53 EEST 2004

At 12:43:17, 10 Jun 2004, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:

>Starting from pkglist2, some suggestions of packages you could remove:
>See how far that takes you, then post again with pkglist3 and the disk

Most of the packages which you suggested were removed and the results are in

df shows 166MB now (down from the original 278MB).

bzip2-libs, removal caused rpm to quit working.
pcre, removal caused grep to fail in many places during system startup and
make, removal required --noscripts due to preun script errors.
groff, removal required --noscripts due to preun script errors.
libgcc, removal succeeded after groff removal.
libstdc++, removal succeeded after groff removal. 
vim-common, removal required --nodeps (as you said)

I performed a new installation before these last changes, so I renewed the
pkglist1 and pkglist2 files on the website above. While I was attempting to
reinstall pcre, the system hung (6 hours) while mounting the iso. I believe
this problem was caused by a power loss some weeks ago and resulting file
system errors which e2fsck may not have corrected properly.

Any other suggestions to remove unnecessary items?


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