[RULE] Linux Desktop based on Slinky

M. Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Mon Jun 7 13:59:07 EEST 2004

On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 08:25:41 AM +0200, Ingo Lantschner
(ingo.lists at vum.at) wrote: 
> Hi all,
> a new version of the so called "vum:BOX Handbook" is out.


thanks for the manual. I have posted it as news in the news section of
the NEW rule website (do you like it?)


1)please do not post anymore to the old rule address. The list is now
  at Rule-list at rule-project.org.

2) The new website can be maintained together. If you can contribute,
just ask for an account

3) the most important thing now in RULE is to port it to Fedora Core
2. Michael Fratoni is almost offline these days. If you or anybody
else at VUM has anything at all about how slinky works internally (ie
how to do it from scratch _without_ downloading any of Michael
files). please send me that information, so I can put it online.

4) May I ask you to send me a list of all the RULE messages you have
in your mailbox from last week? So I can check if the new server is
working properly?

	Marco Fioretti

Marco Fioretti                 mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Red Hat for low memory         http://www.rule-project.org/en/

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market are corollaries.	       -- Ayn Rand, "For the New Intellectual"

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