[RULE] Thread on fedora-devel about dropping i486 support

M. Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Sat Jun 5 12:11:08 EEST 2004

(note: Jeff, please wrap line every 70/75 characters or so).

On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 23:19:13 PM -0400, Da Worm (daworm at comcast.net) wrote:

> ... even though KDE is normally thought of as a "big box" desktop,
> once compiled it ran relatively quickly, thanks to ... leaving out
> support for many of the things that couldn't possibly exist on that
> platform yet are compiled in by default anyway

My point exactly. Could you post here (in a separate thread) what
exactly you did to make KDE ligther? So we can see what can be
replicated inside rpm spec files?

> All of this brings me to the point of this message.  If Fedora is
> going to be dropping core support for older processors and older
> architectures, is Red Hat/Fedora where Rule needs to, pardon me,
> hang its hat?

> I certainly don't want to start any kind of distro war here, as
> those are almost always completely useless.

I agree 100%. While, *personally*, I'll stick with RH/Fedora as long
as I can (out of pure lazyness and lack of time, *nothing* else):

1) we have said several times since the beginning that sub-projects to
do the "RULE thing" for other distro/CPUs are more than welcome on the
RULE website, as long as somebody jumps up and volunteers for them. So
everybody can exchange compilation/configuration tricks and what
not. And we can help more people save money, and delay more pollution
from working computers going to the landfill.

2) Some days ago I was asked to send, to a meeting about another
distro, some slides discussing "if, why and how RULE and other
projects should cooperate". I haven't announced them yet here because
waiting for that congress official reports to come out, but here's an

Possible partnerships: RULE wants to investigate how to make modern
Free SW less bloated and become a central repository where to
contribute, find and exchange information about how to compile,
install and configure stuff... so that everybody can then package the
results for his favourite distro

So, yes, it's definitely possible and useful to reach out. I hope that
the new website infrastructure will make contributions much faster to
add and manage.

	Marco F.

Marco Fioretti                 mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Red Hat for low memory         http://www.rule-project.org/en/


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