[RULE] Xircom NIC: xirc2ps_cs.o doesn't load.

C David Rigby cdrigby at 9online.fr
Fri May 21 17:02:56 EEST 2004

Hello all,

Gabriel, I assume that you are writing from two email adresses.  Sorry 
that it has taken me so long to respond on this.  My wife fell and broke 
her leg today while we were hiking, so I am a bit distracted.

Earlier, I noted that I had peformed this task, but I realized that my 
notes were rather dated (slinky v0.3.6).  The machine in question is 
named runaway on the website.  As soon as things calm down a bit here, I 
will haul it out and confirm a step-by-step for the installation via NIC 
& with the newer slinky v0.3.97.  Gabriel, do you have an ftp, http or 
NFS server which can provide the packages?  Note that public servers do 
exist, and I have gotten that to work before.

BTW, my understanding of the way the slinky installer works is that it 
installs specific versions of the RPMs based on the set of RPMs (the 
abreviation for RedHat Package Manager packages) on the install CDs. 
So, until I or someone else can update the package lists usd by the 
installer, it probably is not possible to install FC2 using slinky v0.3.96.

However, it should be possible to use v0.3.96 to install RH9, then 
upgrade to FC2.  Though I cannot tell you how to do that without some 


Marco Fioretti wrote:
>>Upon your suggestion, I'm trying a network install.
>>However, I can't get the PCMCIA NIC to work. When
>>/scripts/pcmcia.sh gets to ln 96,  here's what happens:
>>$/sbin/insmod $PC/xirc2ps_cs.o
> Gabriel,
> I have *no* idea if this is even remotely related to your
> problem, but have you checked the last week or so of
> the fedora-list archives?
> Other people were having problems with the PCMCIA
> setup, and then found a solution (which I obviously
> don't remember, and have no web access now, sorry...)
> HTH,
> Marco F.
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