[RULE] Preparing RULE for FC2

Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz at simpaticus.com
Fri May 14 01:27:06 EEST 2004

At 15:50 5/13/2004, Martin Stricker wrote:
>"Rodolfo J. Paiz" wrote:
> > The cost (human, computational, and transport) of doing rsync every 6
> > hours instead of every 24 is exceedingly small, I think. Especially
> > with the low volume of changes, as you noted.
>My concern is more the server load on the master server - rsync can
>become quite CPU hungry with many connections. I'd suggest to try your
>way, but keep an eye on performance.

Valid concern. However, my server handles less than 20 small domains and is 
consistently at a very light load. Given this load, and given that we are 
not likely to have more than 50 or so mirrors for RULE (optimistically 
speaking), the server can easily handle the rsync transactions. If/when 
this grows out of proportion, we'll be so happy that I'll be glad to set up 
a more powerful server then. :-)

Rodolfo J. Paiz
rpaiz at simpaticus.com

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