[RULE] Preparing RULE for FC2, was: The RULE test website is up now!

M. Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Tue May 11 07:21:57 EEST 2004

Hello all,

The expected delivery date for Fedora Core 2 is May 17th.

I'll do my best to add the news section to the test website
(http://rule-test.homelinux.org/~mfioretti), and move it to the real
server, during the next weekend. Once that is up, I will also move the
mailing list off from savannah, to the same server hosting the
website. The purpose is to arrive someday to backup, search and mirror
both web pages and the list in the same way.

I'll send a notice when the mailing list migrates. Please check your
email settings when that happens, and be prepared to see, patch,
signal any glitch in the RULE email flow.

About RULE for Fedora Core 2: everybody who has started to play with
this (Rodolfo, Martin, David, are you here?) please post here all you
founded: package lists, slinky settings, whatever. Even better (MUCH,
MUCH BETTER), publish it in the new website through the SPIP authoring
system: it's just some minor formatting and one HTML form.

My intention would be to split/extend the current RULE install guide
in two documents: an actual install guide for end users, and a
developers guide explaining how slinky works, how to customize it, how
to build package lists.... What do you think?

The invitation above applies to all members and to all the website.
I'll just repeat the request I sent some days ago:

>    a) Please surf around the test website: there surely are tons of
>	linking and formatting errors in the pages. Please DO signal
>	them to me off list, with a mail with subject
>	RULE_ERR:<article_title>. Be picky: quote the exact section of
>	the text which are wrong and awhy. After that, be patient :-)
>    b) The good news is that now we can share the load: if you feel
>    like contributing, contact me again to have a login as maintainer,
>    so we can fix the pages and add new ones working in team. The SPIP
>    formatting guidelines are simple, 1/2 pages only.

Last but not least. Vegard, and everybody else willing to mirror the
new website: please try to mirror the test one, and let me know any
problem you find with it.

	Marco Fioretti

Marco Fioretti                 m.fioretti, at the server inwind.it
Red Hat for low memory         http://www.rule-project.org/en/

Life is what happens whilst you're busy making other plans
                                                 (John Lennon)

Rule Project HOME PAGE:  http://www.rule-project.org/en/
Rule Development Site:   http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/rule/
Rule-list at nongnu.org

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