[RULE] Connecting Kdrive's Xfbdev with xterm

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 26 01:26:12 EET 2004

>From: Christoph Wirz <cwirz at gmx.net>
>Subject: [RULE] Connecting Kdrive's Xfbdev with xterm
>Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 10:14:54 +0100
>When I start Xfbdev manually, a gray background comes up which shows me 
>that the Xserver has started. Unfortunately nothing more happens.
>My question now: How do I compile in the xterm client (how does host.def 
>look like?). Or how do i start any appliaction within Xfbdev?


Did you get the help that you needed? I wanted to reply sooner, but I also 
wanted to wait for someone else to answer who would be more qualified. It 
seems that I waited for quite a long time.

Sincerely, & with thanks,
Eugene T.S. Wong

Disclaimer: this is a disposable email address but it should be around long 
enough to finish any discussions.

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