[RULE] Connecting Kdrive's Xfbdev with xterm

Christoph Wirz cwirz at gmx.net
Mon Feb 2 10:47:01 EET 2004

Hi All,

I am trying to get running X11 on a small embedded computer which has a 
Display with a resolution of 640x480, 64MB of Ram, a 128MB compact flash 
card and a Pentium MMX Processor.

So far I compiled XFree86 version 4.3.0 with the following host.def file:

#define BuildServersOnly YES
#define KDriveXServer YES
#define TinyXServer YES
#define XfbdevServer YES

Further I compiled Framebuffer support in the Kernel.

When I start Xfbdev manually, a gray background comes up which shows me 
that the Xserver has started. Unfortunately nothing more happens.

My question now: How do I compile in the xterm client (how does host.def 
look like?). Or how do i start any appliaction within Xfbdev?

Thanks a lot,

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