[RULE] LTSP (was: minimum hw requirements)

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Tue Feb 24 18:40:29 EET 2004

> One more question: How do you see the cooperation/relation (technically) 
> between "The RULE Project" and LTSP?
> * RULE as base for the LTSP-Server?
> * RULE as the base for the LTSP-Client (propably not, since this should be 
> a floppy - or?)
> * RULE as solution for the single-WS whereas LTSP is for Classrooms?
> * other relations I did not mention?
The slides I prepared for last year Richard's presentation at that forum in
Paris say something about this. They are on the website. Sorry for not
contributing more, but I'm on a business trip right now.
Back home thursday.

          Marco Fioretti

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