[RULE] LTSP (was: minimum hw requirements)

Ingo Lantschner ingo.lists at vum.at
Tue Feb 24 12:39:43 EET 2004

First of all, thanks to Jason for giving real-world-experience-details 
(what a word :-) about LTSP on low hardware - very interesting for us, 
since we already planed to evaluate this solution. Also thanks to Rodolfo 
for bringing this topic to RULE. And if there is anyone else, who has 
experience with it, pls. let me know (on or offlist).

One more question: How do you see the cooperation/relation (technically) 
between "The RULE Project" and LTSP?

* RULE as base for the LTSP-Server?
* RULE as the base for the LTSP-Client (propably not, since this should be 
a floppy - or?)
* RULE as solution for the single-WS whereas LTSP is for Classrooms?
* other relations I did not mention?

Thanks in advance, Ingo.

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