[RULE] Again on the website (out of town tomorrow)

M. Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Sun Feb 22 22:34:13 EET 2004


I thought this was another week :-(

I have realized only this afternoon that it is *tomorrow* that I have
to go on a business trip, back thursday. I'll try to answer email
before then, but don't count on it too much..

One thing that I wanted to say (besides thanks to C.D. Rigbly for
testing the new website) is that the "website tarball generation"
feature, doesn't need to be present in the new solution, whatever it
will be.

Even today it is done as a separate shell script, ran once a day: it
can be ported as is on any Linux server with wget and bash installed.

I'd suggest to download the tarball and study the forms it
contains. It also includes, IIRC, a complete dump of the MySQL
database used today. In any case, the first thing to do is figure out
how to upload new pages an update database entries. Everything else
can wait or, as the tarball above, could be done independently.

	Marco Fioretti

Marco Fioretti                 m.fioretti, at the server inwind.it
Red Hat for low memory         http://www.rule-project.org/en/

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