[RULE] Call to arms and requirements for the website

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Fri Feb 20 14:35:53 EET 2004

> Let me see if I understand correctly what's being discussed.  It seems to
> me a web developer - possibly to become webmaster as well - is being
> solicited for the RULE site.  Is that correct?  If so, is there already
> hosting available for the site?


you understood perfectly. What is really needed is *only* a one time
web developer. who can put together the stuff I described and test
it with me, hopefully in the next 5/6 weeks.

After that, no strings attached, ie credit shall be duly given, but no
need to remain as webmaster, or request to spend any more time
on the project, I can take over from there. Of course if your friend
comes to like RULE's "mission" and decides to join the project,
he's welcome since now.

As far as hosting is concerned, it is already graciously provided by another
project member, Rodolfo. He can answer specific questions about the HW/SW
platform available much better than me. He will also have the last word
since should we introduce holes, all his other customers would be in trouble.
Mirrors are always welcome, of course.

See my other posts in this thread for further info, or feel free to contact me
off list.


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Rule Development Site:   http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/rule/
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