[RULE] Which scripts to use to create RULE ISO?

Ingo Lantschner ingo.lists at vum.at
Thu Feb 19 17:03:07 EET 2004

Here is an other excerpt from the vumBOX Handbook:

--- snip ----
What are the modifications done to change a Slinky ISO to a vum:BOX ISO?
All of the following assumes you have the slinky_devel directory unpacked 
as noted above.

1.Add directory vumadd to slinky_devel/rule_iso
2.Add directory postinst to slinky_devel/rule_iso
3.cd filesystem/scripts/
$ vi rulerc.sh
---content of rulerc.sh ----
echo starting postinst.sh
echo postinst.sh done!	
---end of rulerc.sh-----------------
     $ chmod a+x rulerc.sh

----- snap ----

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