[RULE] Feedback on Slinky 0.3.97

Ingo Lantschner ingo.lists at vum.at
Fri Aug 29 19:08:02 EEST 2003

> 3. CUPS during startup: error loading shared libray (libgssapi_krb5 ...)

after "rpm -ivh <according rpm>" cupsd starts w/o errors

Using redhat-config-printer allows me to configure a HP Laserjet 5L - 
but the testingpage produces just garbage. (So the paper is fed into the 
printerdevice and comes out with unreadable signs on it.) We also tried 
all of the drives.

In order to track this down I made a test.ps with Abiword and used
"gs -dBATCH -r600x600 -sDEVICE=ljet4 -sOutputFile=test.ljet4 test.ps" to 
produce a test.ljet4. "cat test.ljet4 >/dev/lp0 " gives garbage again.

Using the same printer-device on an other machine installed with 
standard RedHat Anaconda works just fine. Even the above 
"commandline-printing" gives nice, readable output.

Bottomline: I see two possibilities: Either this machine or its 
Interface is broken or there is something with Slinkys way to install 
ghostscript. Could the latter be true? (Unfortunatly I do not have an 
other machine here now.)

Any ideas?

Bye, Ingo.

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