[RULE] Website (partially) restored

M. Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Sun Jun 22 19:30:46 EEST 2003

On Sun, Jun 22, 2003 08:29:42 at 08:29:42AM +0300, Kweskin Richard (rkwesk at mail.ariadne-t.gr) wrote:
> A quick look at some of what is available now, indeed is improved
> and looking good. The site has grown so much that maintaining it
> must be very time consuming!

Thanks, Richard!

As a matter of fact, what has been really time consuming so far has
been finding a right *way* to manage the actual pages...

I hope this is the right time...

What I'd need now is for you to browse around and signal here broken



PS: Richard, I *did* receive your offlist messages: I'm just forcing
myself to ignore everything but the website management until it's all
restored and done for good (backup cron scripts and everything),
otherwise I'd risk to lose everything at the next server crash. Please
be patient.

Marco Fioretti                 m.fioretti, at the server inwind.it
Red Hat for low memory         http://www.rule-project.org/en/

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