[RULE] Slinky v0.39.5 shrike network_packages (and related)

Richard Kweskin rkwesk at mail.ariadne-t.gr
Thu Jun 19 15:40:09 EEST 2003

Hello All

From the same install mentioned in my previous post I also used vi to
eliminate finger, ftp, telnet, and ncftp from the network_packages as I never
use them. Does anything break? Can I eliminate others here while still
maintaining nfs client server and nfs server? The nic is a ne2000 isa clone.

I also eliminated m4, sendmail and procmail from the mailserver list and
fetchmail, elinks, nmh and pine from the webtools list since I never need to
push mail on to another box on my network and I use konqueror for browsing.


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