[RULE] Building updated Red Hat Linux CDs

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Mon Jun 9 04:26:39 EEST 2003

Hash: SHA1

As it relates to the RULE project, I thought some of you might be 
interested in this.

One of my other pet projects is a set of scripts to rebuild the Red Hat 
install CDs using all the most recent updated rpm packages.

In case anyone's interested, here is a copy of my post to the 
anaconda-devel list:
- ---------------------------
I've finally gotten around to updating my build_distro scripts for Red Hat
Linux 9. Using them, you can create an updated build tree and make new
installer images. The scripts now work with Red Hat Linux 7.2|7.3|8.0|9

o variables.sh defines everything used by the other scripts.
o check_dups.sh checks for duplicate updates in the updates directory.
o update_rpms.sh creates an updated build tree, hardlinking the rpm
o voodoo_magic.sh runs the anaconda tools to rebuild the images.
o makeimages.sh builds the new ISO files.
o README attempts to explain it all. ;)

The scripts aren't pretty, but do work.

Also included are 2 patches, one against mk-images, and the other against
splitdistro. Neither is applied by the scripts. Hopefully I've credited
the proper people in the README, as the patch details were taken from
various posts on this list. (The patches aren't required, they just avoid
some otherwise worrysome output.)

- ---------------------------------------

- -- 
- -Michael

pgp key:  http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/gpgkey.txt
Red Hat Linux 7.{2,3}|8.0 in 8M of RAM: http://www.rule-project.org/
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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