[RULE] Re: Distributing RULE

Ingo Lantschner ingo at vum.at
Tue Jun 3 10:47:51 EEST 2003

> I'm not sure what you mean by "yellow-mail-network", but I'm in favor of 
> anything that helps didtribute the package when downloading is not an 
> option. ;)
ok, sorry, not all countries have "yellow" as color for their traditional,
oldfashioned (snail-)mail. 

What I proposed was a network of human-beings, who help this project by
just burning CD-ROMs on request of end-users *near them*, packing them
and sending them by what ever is used in the specific region for

Bye, Ingo.

Ingo Lantschner

	Verein zur Unterstuetzung von Menschen
	Marchettigasse 5/11, A-1060 Wien
	Tel (+43-1) 595 5766
	Fax (+43-1) 532 4041

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