[RULE] Re: screenshots of the VUM/RULE install

Ingo Lantschner ingo at vum.at
Wed May 28 22:02:47 EEST 2003

> I get now wonderfull screenshots of a wonderfull
> > system :-). 
> ...which we will now put in the RULE gallery, won't we?
we will of course, actually the shots are already online, but I would
like to add somwhere a reference to rule, which is not so easy w/o logo.
Any idea?

In the meantime: http://ingo.netomania.at/vum/vum_box/index.html - can
you download them from there and add it to the gallery? 

bye, Ingo.

Ingo Lantschner

	Verein zur Unterstuetzung von Menschen
	Marchettigasse 5/11, A-1060 Wien
	Tel (+43-1) 595 5766
	Fax (+43-1) 532 4041

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