[RULE] Re: Slinky 0.3.9 on Highscreen P233, 64MB

Ingo Lantschner ingo at vum.at
Tue May 6 12:45:00 EEST 2003

> Ok, how about one more test?
> ...
> Delete and recreate the X link, so that it points to the normal Xserver 
> (XFree86).  Run redhat-config-xfree86 to set it up.
Michael, I think I have to pause (not stop) at this point. The link
setting was easy, but this configurator needs python, which needs some
packages not listed with whichcd, etc. This machine, I was testing is a
single one, it is not crucial for the projects we have in queu (and for
which some people in Zambia are already waiting).  So before the
machines for the already committed projects are not finished, I have now
again to work on them.  If you get any feedback from the XFRee86
developers pls.  let me know - I keep the machine with rulified RH9 and
TinyX/fluxbox near me, to contunue the test later on.

Thanks for the help so far, Ingo. 
Ingo Lantschner

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