[RULE] About bandwidth and RULE end users

M. Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Fri May 2 00:35:45 EEST 2003

On Thu, May 01, 2003 19:16:46 at 07:16:46PM +0200, Ingo Lantschner (ingo at vum.at) wrote:
> For other, more advanced users somewhere in the south or at other places
> where bandwidth is low, it is not the time required to compile something
> which is the problem but the amount of data, which must must be
> downloaded from the net. I remember my last training in
> Bamenda/Cameroon: 2.400 Baud is normal speed, 4.800 or 9k6 were the best
> we ever could get 

Maybe I already said it on this list, but yes, bandwidth is a crucial
issue for RULE potential users. In addition to what Ingo explained
above, I can add that in many of those places, often the call is not
only long (time) it is also long *distance* price!

To give an idea of how much this is a problem in some countries, I've
been asked to send a tarball of the whole web site (and you all know
how small and lean it is) so that potential users could browse it
quickly *and* without spending too much.

		Marco Fioretti

Marco Fioretti                 m.fioretti, at the server inwind.it
Red Hat for low memory         http://www.rule-project.org/en/

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                                           Salvor Hardin , "Foundation"

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