[RULE] Boot-floppy detect.

Vegard Munthe vegard at copyleft.no
Mon Jan 27 11:28:48 EET 2003

> Just a FYI, before you try this. Making boot floppies isn't really the
> dark art many people imagine it to be.

He he. Having read most there is to read about it (espescially following
the kernel dev mailinglist) I'd still call it black magic. Using rdev to
set kernel bits, calculating space to whack raw kernels right inn on the
floppy with a raw root image, whith little docs to tell you how this
really works. Sorry, but I'm not convinced. :)

> To make modifications, without
> rebuilding the entire disk from scratch....

Thanks. This is the not-so-black-magic part that I understand, and am
therefore eternally greatful for a working glibc bootfloppy as basis.
For those interested there is a quite nice Bootdisk HOWTO[0], but
don't think it'll help you understand how or why it really works (or
dosn't :). For that you'll have to read kernel source and kernel

-- Vego

[0] http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bootdisk-HOWTO/

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