[RULE] pcmcia nic & RULE

Tim Sutinen tim at sutinen.com
Fri Jan 24 08:33:24 EET 2003


I am in the process of trying to get RH 7.3 with the RULE installed on a 
P75/16MB laptop.  It has a floppy, but no CD-ROM, so I am using a 3com 
589 PCMCIA nic to install via http.  I am running to a roadblock, though 
- Can't get the RULE installer (slinky, I guess) to see the NIC.

I made sure it is possible by installing RH6.1 the same way first in 
this same machine.  Works almost automatically.  No problem.  I just 
created a boot floppy from the pcmcia.img file on the RH 6.1 disk, 
booted and told it where my http server is.

I found a pcmcia.img image for RULE (slinky 0.3.6) and created the 
floppy, it wasn't bootable, though.  I booted with the slinky.img 
created disk and machine started and gave me a command line.  That's the 
point where I get lost.  What to do next?

As far as I can tell, this is what RH 6.1 does:
-loads pcmcia_core, i82356 & ds modules
-then loads cardmgr
-then loads 3c589_cs
-then configures the network parameters

I have tried doing the same with RULE, but haven't succeeded, so I need 
some help.

Does anyone have  a step-by-step installation howto for a situation like 
this?, or some other creative ideas as to what to do next?



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