[RULE] Other projects interesting for RULE

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Thu Jan 9 11:39:59 EET 2003

----- Forwarded message from Frerk Meyer
(Frerk's email, for those who may want to contact him personally, is:
name.surname at framfab.de)

Hi Marco,

Today I came over the rule-project because of an
article in the Linux User Magazine in Germany.

I've found a broken link:
the similiar projects doesn't work.

Then I wanted to report that I managed to run
Linux with X(!) on a Mitac Laptop with 4 MB
RAM due to the help of Monkey Linux.
It is libc5 based and cames as 7 floppy disks
with arj archives. It runs via UMSDOS on
the DOS Partition of DR-DOS in the /linux
subdirectory ;-)

No CD-ROM or Network-Card for installation available
or required.

Another interesting link could be Diet-Libc:

Keep on your good work and may the
penguin be with you,


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Rule Development Site:   http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/rule/
Rule-list at nongnu.org

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