[RULE] Sell RULE computers on ebay?

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Sun Jan 5 08:08:45 EET 2003

On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 00:18:37 at 12:18:37AM -0500, Michael Fratoni (mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net) wrote:
> > licensed with restrictions, but coming with source code).
> Creating the tools to get the install done is one thing. Installing and 
> selling the computer is another. One (not insignificant) problem is that 
> as a non commercial venture, the RULE installers are not an issue. As 
> soon as there is any hint of a commercial venture, we run the risk of 
> crossing a fine line with the Red Hat trademark.
> This is an issue I had specifically brought up on the anaconda devel list. 
> and had been meaning to post here.
Yes, absolutely. I saw that thread on that list: I must confess that
some points of it are still kind of obscure to me, but, even if I had
totally forgotten about it, we certainly don't want that kind of
problems. Thanks for pointing it out.

		Marco Fioretti 

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