[Rule-list] The RULE submission page is UP!

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Mon Dec 9 01:16:06 EET 2002


I have just put online and partially tested a page that allows
everybody to submit entries for the RULE software MAP, without needs
for passwords, or requirements to be familiar with Plesk/MySQL.

When you submit something, it sends an email both to the email address
you entered, and to me: I have not made it point directly to this
mailing list yet because it needs some testing before. Apart from the
email, it also inserts the entry in the database, but (as Martin
Stricker suggested) with an "unchecked" status, so it doesn't show up
until I declare it checked.

PLEASE test/stress it as much as possible: remember that the MAP
should contain not only packages, but even smart configuration files.
Don't worry if the submission looks silly, help me to test the form,
and let me know (here on the list, so everybody can contribute)
if something should change in that interface: we can always erase
dumb entries later.

When the submission has no home page, send to rule at rule-project.org an
email with a short text file explaining what the package does,
etc.etc.: I will convert it to php, put it online and then we'll review/improve it

SPECIAL REQUESTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:

Michael, can you please insert the ISO, slinky, miniconda, and kdrive
with *all* fields using this method? I know that you already signalled
 the URLs here, but I do need external testing on this (**): I will remove
any duplicate entries later, no problems with that.

Eugene: same as above for vacuum

	Thanks, everybody!


(**) not to mention that I'm falling asleep :-)

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Rule Development Site:   http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/rule/
Rule-list at nongnu.org

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