[Rule-list] script to uninstall rpms and change config files

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Fri Nov 29 00:28:40 EET 2002

On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 22:54:01 at 10:54:01PM +0100, Martin Stricker (shugal at gmx.de) wrote:
> Hmmmm... While this is a very nice thing to have for a regular Linux
> installation, I'm not sure if this is the right way for RULE: The main
> target for RULE are old and small computers, so Miniconda and Slinky
> should only install packages which are absolutely necessary, because
> there might be not enough space for anything else... Don't understand me
> wrong, I'm not against your script idea (on the contrary!) but against

We can, and probably should, have both: back in the beginning we
discussed several "installation options", didn't we? Base system,
server, X-less desktop.... of course each option is the bare minimum
needed, for example ssh, pppd, text email and browser + editor for x-less desktop

The base system should be really base: just what is needed to boot,
and maybe receive incoming ssh/scp, and to use rpm

On that you can build the options above: the user is given some
system wide choices (install/not install docs) standard RULE post
install scripts are run right after each package is placed on disk, as
discussed some time ago. eventually, *after* all this works, we can
start thinking to kickstart-like things for expert users.

Off to sleep now


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